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15 Mar, 21 ·
7 min read

My maternal grandfather was a jeweller. I’ve long been fascinated by the skill and precision required by a gem cutter. As I understand it, a ‘lapidary’ typically works with uncut stones so they have maximum freedom to…

1 Mar, 21 ·
6 min read

Have you ever noticed how one poor choice often leads to another? We’ve all been there. We take a tentative step toward temptation with what we believe to be adequate justification, such as “I can handle it” or “I…

22 Feb, 21 ·
4 min read

I enjoy a good story. If you’re like me, the first thing we do when we read a new book or watch a movie for the first time is to figure you who is the hero and who is the villain. In most stories, it’s fairly obvious. So it is with…

15 Feb, 21 ·
6 min read

Every time a person responds to the truth of the Bible, a miracle has occurred. It takes supernatural insight to grasp the profound significance of the simple facts of the Gospel message. Why would any rational person…

7 Feb, 21 ·
8 min read

Favouritism. Virtually everyone has experienced or at least witnessed its cruel byproducts at some point in their life. Whether it be due to physical characteristics, unique talents or capabilities, personality differences…

1 Feb, 21 ·
5 min read

Who is your god? Seems an odd question to ask anyone who claims to be a Christian. From a theoretical point of view, we would all claim that Jehovah, the God of the Bible, is our God. But from a practical point of view, I’m…

25 Jan, 21 ·
8 min read

Do you ever feel lonely? During this era of COVID-19 social distancing, it’s an important question. The more isolated we are the more likely we are to feel lonely. But it’s also possible to be surrounded by people and still…

18 Jan, 21 ·
7 min read

Time marches on for all of us. You’ve heard the old saying: “The only sure things in life are death and taxes”. We could count it as a gift from God that we don’t know the exact day and hour of our inevitable demise…

10 Jan, 21 ·
4 min read

There are a number of enthusiastic cooks in our family. A byproduct of this passion is an affinity for TV cooking shows. One thing I’ve learned by watching skilled chefs is that they really know and respect each ingredient…

1 Jan, 21 ·
5 min read

Asa was the 5th King of the Southern Kingdom of Judah descended from David (cf. 2 Chronicles 14-16). He started out as a good king, seeking and following God’s will as he led the people of Judah through many trials…

21 Dec, 20 ·
4 min read

The pursuit of world peace is one of the many aspirations of the United Nations: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective…

13 Dec, 20 ·
5 min read

In my Executive Coaching work I often work with leaders who are approaching mid-life and are taking stock of their careers. They often ponder some deep questions, such as “Is that all their is?”, “Was all the sacrifice…
