Join Us This Sunday
We meet 3:30pm every Sunday at 178 Glebe Road Merewether, NSW.
Plan your visit, get in touch and know what to expect!

What To Expect
We are located at Merewether Uniting Church (178 Glebe Rd, Merewether) and meet every Sunday at 3.30pm. If you arrive early enough, there is limited parking in the parking lot at the front of the church property, otherwise there is street parking along Glebe Rd or one of the side streets. There is also parking along Cram Street with pedestrian access between the houses at 17 and 19 Cram St taking you to the back of the church property where you can walk around to the front.
The main entry door to the church is adjacent Glebe Rd and the church parking lot. Come on in and say hello! You are welcome to take a seat wherever you’d like.
We normally begin our service together with a time of singing led by the band at the front of the auditorium. Words to the songs will be on the projector screen and most people will stand and join in the singing, but there are no rules about this! You can stand, sit, sing, or remain silent it’s totally up to you and what you feel comfortable with. We usually sing around 3-4 songs before the sermon and a final song at the very end of the service. The worship leader will often pray in between some of the songs as well.
People within the church will often share announcements about our church programs, events and activities. The person leading the music will also announce when it is time for the kids to head to kids church.
Teaching is shared between the various men on the teaching team. We typically teach verse by verse through a book of the Bible, lasting around 45 minutes. During this time people are seated, and there are some Bibles available at the church to follow along (but please also feel free to bring along your own or just listen). We will usually finish with another prayer around 5pm, after which we sing one more song before wrapping up the service.
Most people will hang about after the service and chat. We would love to meet you, so please do say hello!
Please get in touch if you have any questions!