Find Teachings Click the drop-down menus to filter your search. By SpeakerAllMick IresonDavid DeaneBrad MosbyDan VerlaanEugene KoenJames StockleyPaul HicksonStephen LindemannJon CoeDavid DerkenneTony VerlaanJames HopwoodJay McCarlDan Paterson By ScriptureAllgenesisexodusjoshua1 samuelezrapsalmsdanieljonahnahummalachimatthewlukejohnactsromans1 corinthians2 corinthiansgalatiansephesians2 timothyhebrewsjames1 peter1 johntopicalBy SeriesAllChristmas UnwrappedCovenantal FaithfulnessCross, Crook, CrownFaith That WorksFrom Genesis to JesusJesus Is BetterLove Fellowship NewbirthMaking Sense of the BiblePortraits From ScriptureRunning to RevivalSelected PsalmsShelter & ShameSit. Walk. Stand.To The Ends of the EarthTopicalTowards A Biblical Theology of WorkBy ThemeAll By YearAll20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012Sort #abuse #accountability #addiction #Adoption #apologetics #assurance #atheism #baptism #bible characters #blessings #brokenness #calling #change #christ #christian living #christmas #church #cleansing #compelling #complaints #confession #conflicts #cross #cultural engagement #current affairs #daniel #david #death #destruction #Diversity #doctrine #drugs #Easter #end times #endurance #evangelism #evil #evolution #faith & reason #faith & work #faithfulness #fellowship #foolishness #forgiveness #god & science #god's sovereignty #gospel #grace #guidance #guilt #healing #hezekiah #holiness #hope #identity #insecurity #integrity #jesus #joy #judging others #justice #leadership #life #lot #love #lust #malachi #martin luther #Maturity #meaning #ministry & work #new creation #persecution #personal testimony #porn #praise #purpose #redemption #rejoicing #repentance #resurrection #sacrifice #salvation #sanctification #satisfaction #science & religion #scientism #security #sex #shame #sheep #shepherd #sin #SocialJustice #steadfastness #suffering #temptation #theology #trials #unity #victimhood #wisdom #work #worldliness #worship Resurrection and the Life Topical David Deane 15 Sep, 13 · 52:08 mins The Nature of Sin & Salvation Topical David Deane 23 Jun, 13 · 47:10 mins The Sermon on the Plain Topical Mick Ireson 28 Oct, 12 · 37:54 mins « Previous 1 … 11 12 13