Calvary Chapel Newcastle (CCN) is an authorised provider of Special Religious Education (SRE) and we count it a privilege to provide SRE to students in public schools.
All teachers authorised through CCN have:
- a cleared and verified Working With Children Check (WWCC);
- been screened and approved through a CCN Children and Youth Ministry Leadership application which includes: personal declaration of faith, checked references, and commitment to CCN Child Protection Policy and CCN Child Protection Code of Conduct;
- completed Children Protection and Mandatory Reporting Training: we accept child protection / safe ministry training provided by major denominations such as Creating Safe Spaces (Baptist) or Safe Ministry Training (Anglican).
- completed all basic modules of SRE training as set out by the Inter-Church Commission on Religious Education in Schools (NSW) Inc. (ICCOREIS). Teachers will participate in ongoing SRE training in line toward their development goals based on teacher reflection (minimum of 2 hours training per year).
All authorised SRE teachers complete an SRE Engagement Form and are provided with an Authorisation Card worn at all times at the school..
A letter to the school prior to commencement of lessons for the year, identifying the name, date of birth, contact details; and a WWCC number of all authorised teachers for cross-authorisation of all SRE teachers working within the school.
The teacher review process will guide the focus for ongoing teacher training and the topics identified will be included in the annual assurance to the department. Annual training sessions provided by CCN on identified topics include- Child Protection, Mandatory Reporting, teaching strategies, and behaviour management. The teachers are trained to present the approved curriculum with sensitivity and in an age appropriate manner.
Below are the links to our authorized curriculum scope and sequence: